Safety awareness handbook

The greatest method for creating and maintaining a safe campus is to empower members of the Wayne State community with the information to remain alert and responsive. The WSUPD has compiled a Safety Awareness Handbook that answers many questions you may have and outlines processes and procedures. Please refer to the sections linked below and feel free to contact WSUPD with any questions.

Wayne State University Police Department Overview

The Wayne State University Police Department was formed in 1966 and provides a full range of professional police services to both the main and medical center campuses as well as the surrounding neighborhoods. All Wayne State University police officers are fully certified through the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards. All officers are sworn in by the Wayne State University Board of Governors, pursuant to Public Act 120, and by the Detroit Police Department. Officers are empowered to enforce all federal and state laws as well as the Michigan Vehicle Code and City of Detroit ordinances, both on and off campus. As sworn police officers, they are authorized to investigate, arrest or take any other necessary action to address any criminal or other public infraction in the vicinity of campus. WSUPD officers work closely with the Detroit Police Department, Wayne County Sheriff's Office and the Michigan State Police.

The Wayne State University Police Department is committed to providing students, staff, faculty, visitors and guests with prompt, courteous and professional police services. While we provide a committed effort to ensure your safety, we cannot promise you total isolation from crime. Personal safety and crime prevention efforts are the responsibility of the entire Wayne State community, and it is important that everyone takes responsibility for the safety of their person and property. The key to preventing crime is awareness, which can be best accomplished through education.

Please take time to read through this handbook and familiarize yourself with its contents. Educate yourself about what you can do to personally make campus a safer place. If you have any questions concerning your safety, please do not hesitate to contact our Crime Prevention Section at 313-577-6064. We are here to assist you in making Wayne State University a safe place to live, work and study.

Emergency Services

In the event of any police, fire or medical emergency, or to report a crime, suspicious person or any matter you feel deserves prompt police attention whether on campus or in the surrounding area  all members of our campus community should immediately contact the WSUPD at 313-577-2222.

Placing an emergency call to 911 is discouraged, as the caller may not know the exact address, building name or exact location to provide to the emergency services operator. This could result in an emergency response delay, as the Detroit Police Department, Detroit Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services responders are not intimately familiar with the campus to the extent that WSUPD officers are.

Again, any police, fire or medical emergency requests for services should always be directed to the Wayne State University Police at 313-577-2222.

WSU Police Department Phone Numbers

Dispatch: 313-577-2222

Chief's Office: 313-577-2060

Line Operations and Administration: 313-577-2062

Auxiliary Functions: 313-577-6067

Investigations (Detectives): 313-577-2053

Crime Prevention: 313-577-6064

Records: 313-577-2056

On-Campus Emergency Telephones

Approximately 297 emergency telephones blanket the Wayne State University campus. More than 175 of these blue-light emergency phones are located at outdoor locations, and 121 are located inside elevators in every campus building. These phones are easy to operate and may be used as either a direct line to the WSUPD Dispatch Center or to make free calls to on-campus numbers. To operate these phones in an emergency, simply push the red "emergency" button of the front of the phone panel. There is no need to dial a phone number, as the emergency phone will make a direct connection to the WSUPD Dispatch Center automatically, and the call will be received as an incoming emergency services request.


Many students, staff and faculty carry personal cellphones. This can be a valuable asset in reporting emergencies or routine service requests anywhere on campus or in the surrounding area. We urge all members of the campus community to program the WSUPD emergency number (313-577-2222) into their cellphone.

We also recommend that you make it a habit to carry your cellphone on your person at all times. Your phone can be invaluable in quickly obtaining emergency services. However, it is useless if you leave it in your car, in a backpack or book bag that you do not have with you, or in a coat left in your office or classroom.

Note: If your personal cellphone number begins with an area code other than "313", you must enter the "313" area code as a prefix to "577-2222" in your directory or speed dial. Otherwise, you may receive an automated response telling you to re-enter the correct area code before your (emergency) call can be completed.

Campus Accessibility and Security

The Wayne State University campus is like a city within Detroit, with its own streets, buildings, businesses, growing residential areas and unique population. Over 41,000 students, staff and faculty populate the "city" of Wayne State University.

While Wayne State is a public institution, its campus buildings are not open to the general public. The campus, its buildings and facilities are reserved for the exclusive use of students, staff, faculty and guests. Most campus buildings are open to the campus community during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Classroom buildings may be open until as late as 10 p.m. On weekends and holidays, buildings may be open for a limited number of hours. Residence halls and apartment buildings are open for residents and guests only. Entry to these locations is granted via a coded OneCard provided to residents.

Wayne State University maintains a strong commitment to the safety and security of its campus and community members. The campus is designed to promote safety and reduce criminal opportunity.

The responsibility for a safe campus also extends to the members of our campus community. Whenever you observe any strange or suspicious persons or circumstances, you are asked to contact the WSUPD immediately.
Every effort is made to ensure that campus grounds, buildings and facilities are well maintained and safe. By maintaining adequate exterior lighting in parking lots and walkways, the university strives to enhance campus safety.

Wayne State University police officers and cadets conduct regular active patrols of campus, looking for safety deficiencies such as open doors and windows, defective door locks, and inadequate lighting. Members of the campus community are actively encouraged to report any deficiencies they observe directly to the WSUPD at 313-577-6057.

Campus Crime Reporting

The Wayne State University Police Department strives to provide all Wayne State University students, staff and faculty with a safe place to live, work and study, both on campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods.

The Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, now known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistic Act, or Clery Act, provides students and their families with the information they need to make informed decisions.

The Wayne State University Police Department fully supports and endorses the Clery Act.  We believe that keeping our students, staff, faculty and parents well informed and aware of campus safety issues is an important goal because with awareness comes the power to prevent incidents from occurring.  

The Clery Act requires institutions to disclose three general categories of crime statistics:

  1. Criminal Offenses: criminal homicide (including murder and negligent and non-negligent manslaughter), forcible and non-forcible sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft and arson
  2. Hate Crimes: Disclose whether any of the above listed offenses, or any other crime involving bodily injury were hate crimes
  3. Arrests and referrals for disciplinary action for illegal weapons possession and violation of drug and liquor laws

In accordance with departmental policy and Clery Act requirements, the WSUPD regularly publishes campus crime statistics and summaries. This information is disseminated at a variety of student and employee events and in monthly CAMPUSWATCH emails to the greater campus community.

The Wayne State University Police Department also reserves the right to disseminate crime information to our community  even though that information is not required by the Clery Act  if the information contributes to a raised level of awareness or addresses safety issues or concerns not covered by the Clery Act.

Clery Act Crime Reporting Areas

The Clery Act requires that we disseminate crime statistics for three defined geographical areas: campus, non-campus buildings or property, and public property.


Any building or property owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area and used by the institution in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the institution's educational purposes. Includes residence halls and any building or property within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area of the institution that is owned by the institution but controlled by another person and is frequently used by students and supporters for institutional purposes (such as food or other retail vendor).

Non-campus building or property

Any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by the institution, or any building or property owned or controlled by the institution that is used in direct support of, or in relation to, the institution's educational purposes and is frequently used by students and not within the same reasonable contiguous geographic area of the institution.

Public property:

All public property that is within the same reasonable contiguous geographic area of the institution, such as a sidewalk, street, other thoroughfare or parking facility, and is adjacent to a facility owned or controlled by the institution if the facility is used by the institution in direct support of or in relation to the institution.

Main Campus - Crime Statistics Summary for 2011, 2012 and 2013


2011 2012 2013

Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter

0 0 0

Negligent Manslaughter 

0 0 0

Sex Offenses: Forcible 

2 2 6

Sex Offenses: Non-forcible 

0 0 0


3 3 3

Aggravated Assault 

2 0 1


18 16 11

Motor Vehicle Theft 

8 6 2


2 0 0

Satellite Campus - Crime Statistics Summary for 2011, 2012 and 2013



2011 2012 2013

Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter

0 0 0

Negligent Manslaughter 

0 0 0

Sex Offenses: Forcible 

0 1 0

Sex Offenses: Non-forcible 

0 0 0


0 0 0

Aggravated Assault 

0 0 0


0 0 0

Motor Vehicle Theft 

0 0 0


0 0 0

Crime Prevention and Awareness Programs

The WSUPD conducts and hosts a variety of crime prevention and safety awareness programs for our campus community. The purpose of these programs is to increase crime awareness and provide information that will reduce the likelihood that a crime could occur in our campus area.


An employee or student's first exposure to our crime awareness efforts occurs at their orientation. These mandatory orientations provide the new student and employee with the policies and procedures to report criminal actions or other emergencies on campus, discuss the security of and access to various campus facilities, describe the campus law enforcement resources available to them for routine and emergency services, and discuss the common types of crime that can occur on campus and the necessary steps that should be taken so as not to fall victim. Specific orientation sessions are held for new students, transfer students, new staff and faculty.

Auto Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) etching

Approximately every other month, the WSUPD hosts free VIN-etching sessions for all members of our campus community. VIN etching is a process endorsed by many auto insurance companies in which the vehicle identification number is permanently etched into the surface of at least six windows of a vehicle. The process uses a custom stencil and an acid-based paste. The permanent professional results provide traceable numbers in case of theft. This reduces the profit motive for auto theft. All VIN-etching sessions are announced via CAMPUSWATCH emails.

Street Smarts personal safety seminars:

The WUPD provides personal safety seminars for a variety of student groups and organizations. The Street Smarts How to Avoid Being a Victim seminars provide easy-to-use, real-world, common-sense personal safety tips for use in a wide variety of situations. The seminars are free and can be arranged by contacting the department's Crime Prevention Section at 313-577-6064.

Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) program

The department presently has nine nationally certified Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) instructors who rotate teaching Rape Aggression Defense seminars to women students, staff and faculty at Wayne State University. The 13-hour RAD course teaches awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, and then progresses on to easy-to-learn, hands-on self-defense techniques.


The WSUPD sends out monthly emails to over 68,000 current students, staff, faculty, alumni and retirees. These monthly emails update the reader with a summary of any criminal activity on campus and in the WSU area. Additionally, the emails provide a variety of safety tips and suggestions as well as links to useful information on a wide variety of personal safety topics. Since its inception, we have learned that CAMPUSWATCH emails are forwarded well beyond the confines of the university community. The Dean of Students Office routinely forwards each issue to all members of the WSU Parent Association. The email is also routed to various community groups, neighborhood associations, news groups, the Detroit Police Department command staff and the Detroit City Council.

Harden Auto Larceny Targets (HALT) brochures

Members of the campus community are cautioned against leaving any item of value in plain view inside their parked vehicles. Valuables left unattended in vehicles have the same risk for theft as valuables left unattended in classrooms or offices. A general rule, "If something is valuable to you, it will also be valuable to a thief," applies to vehicles just as it applies to classrooms and offices. Rolled-up car windows and locked doors may only momentarily slow down a determined thief.

Any items of value should either be taken with you when you park your car or secured in an out-of-sight place (trunk or storage area) before you park your car.

The WSUPD distributes HALT brochures that can provide you with insight into auto crimes and what you can do to prevent them from happening to you.

HALT brochures, as well as other crime prevention materials, are available in the WSU police building lobby or can be obtained by calling the WSUPD Crime Prevention Section at 313-577-6064.

Residence Hall Safety

Although our residence halls are safe environments, they are not without crime. The majority of crimes in our residence halls involve the theft of personal property, not as the result of forced entry, but of "opportunity," created when residents leave their rooms open for the convenience of roommates or themselves. Effective security and protection of people and property are the primary responsibility of all members of the campus community. We actively encourage all our students  especially Residence Hall students  to be security conscious at all times.

Here are some useful safety tips that can help keep you from becoming a crime victim:

1)     Do not prop open locked residence hall doors.
2)     Do not allow persons you do not know to follow you through entrance doors.  
3)     Always lock your door when you are sleeping.
4)     Always lock your room when leaving a roommate asleep inside.
5)     Always lock your door when you leave, regardless of how long you plan on being gone.
6)     Keep small items of value  such as wallets, money and jewelry  out of sight.
7)     Engrave all valuable items with your driver's license number and keep a record of all valuables, noting their descriptions and serial numbers.
8)     Do not leave notes on your door announcing that no one is home.
9)     Do not place notes/decals on your door announcing your name.
10)   Do not open your door to persons you do not know. Always look through the peephole before opening your door.
11)    Do not take in overnight guests you do not know.
12)    Never lend your OneCard or room key to anyone and never have your room key duplicated.
13)    Report lost or stolen keys immediately so that affected locks can be re-keyed.
14)    Report all thefts immediately to the WSUPD at 313-577-2222.
15)    Report all doors, locks or windows in need of repair to the Residence Hall staff.
16)    Be suspicious of unknown persons loitering in your building or checking doors in your residence hall. Note the person's description and notify the WSUPD immediately.
17)    All residence hall rooms are smoke-free by university policy. Do not disable any smoke detector in any residence hall room.

Wayne State University Policy on Drugs and Alcohol

The unlawful possession, use, distribution, dispensation, sale or manufacture of illicit drugs and the unlawful possession, use or distribution of alcohol on university property, at any university work site or as part of any university activity is prohibited. Drug and alcohol abuse can cause serious and long-lasting damage to an individual's health. Drug and alcohol abuse may endanger the safety and well-being of the abuser, the abuser's family and friends, and students, staff, faculty and the general public.

The sale, distribution or use of illicit drugs violates both federal and Michigan law. Conviction of drug-related offenses may result in heavy fines and prolonged imprisonment. An individual convicted on federal drug-trafficking charges faces a jail term of up to 40 years and a fine of up to $5 million. Federal penalties for illegal possession of controlled substances  even in small amounts and for first offenders  include fines ranging from $1,000 to $100,000 and imprisonment for up to one year. Penalties for repeat offenders or for possession of crack cocaine are even greater.
Michigan law has comparable penalties. Both Michigan and federal law provide for the forfeiture of property used to facilitate possession or transportation of illicit drugs. Under federal law, a person who has been convicted of a drug offense is barred from receiving federal assistance, including student financial aid. Actions connected with drug or alcohol abuse  such as disorderly conduct or driving while intoxicated  may also be punished with criminal fines and imprisonment.
Any employee or student employee who is convicted of a criminal drug offense occurring at the workplace is subject to appropriate employee discipline in accordance with established university policies and collective bargaining agreements and may be required to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse or rehabilitation program as a condition of continued employment.
Any student or employee who, while on university premises or at any university activity, engages in the unlawful possession, sale, manufacture, distribution or use of drugs or alcohol shall be subject to appropriate sanctions in accordance with established university policies and collective bargaining agreements and in conformity with local, state and federal law, up to and including expulsion or termination. A student or employee who is found to have violated this policy may be required to participate in a drug or alcohol treatment program as a condition of further employment or enrollment.
The university encourages employees and students who may have substance abuse problems to seek professional advice and treatment. Wayne State University employees may obtain confidential assistance through the Wayne State University Employee Assistance Program at 800-852-0357. Students may seek confidential assistance by contacting Counseling and Psychological Services at 313-577-3398.

Handling Alcohol Emergencies

A potentially dangerous situation can exist when someone consumes large amounts of alcohol, especially in a short period of time. High concentrations of blood alcohol can result in everything from extreme behavior to unconsciousness and death. The level of danger depends on how much alcohol was consumed, the person's size, their metabolism, whether any other medications were consumed, etc. If you aren't sure what to do, get help by calling 313-577-2222.

Get help immediately if:

•    The person can not be roused by shaking or shouting
•    The person's breathing is shallow, irregular, or has slowed to less than 10 breaths per minute
•    The person sustained a blow to the head or suffered any injury that caused bleeding
•    The person consumed a large quantity of alcohol, is disoriented, incoherent, or has collapsed

Call WSUPD immediately at 313-577-2222 if the person has passed out due to excessive alcohol consumption. While waiting for help to arrive,

•    Check regularly for breathing and consciousness. Roommates or friends should stay by the person's side,
•    Roll the person onto their side with the knees bent. This will prevent choking should the person vomit.
•    If the person begins to vomit, stay with him/her to make sure that he/she does not swallow or aspirate the vomit into their lungs. Get help immediately if the person has difficulty vomiting or gags on it. If breathing stops, be prepared to initiate CPR immediately.

Additional Zero Tolerance Policies

In addition to the above drug and alcohol policy, Wayne State University has "zero-tolerance" policies against weapons and violence, including sexual assault. Violation of any of these policies can result in the violator being held accountable under both criminal law as well as university administrative policy.
Sanctions for violation of any of these policies can include academic suspension and expulsion (for students) and suspension and termination (for staff). If the student or staff member is a resident of campus housing, they face possible termination of the Residential Housing Agreement. These penalties are in addition to any penalty prescribed by a court having criminal jurisdiction over the WSU campus area.

What is Sexual Assault?

College and university campuses host large concentrations of young women who are at greater risk for rape and other forms of sexual assault than women in the greater population or in a comparable age group.
Broadly defined, sexual assault is any unwanted sexual behavior that is forced upon someone against their will. Michigan law defines sexual assault as a crime involving forced or coerced "sexual penetration" or "sexual contact". These laws protect the victims of sexual assault.
Michigan Criminal Sexual Conduct statutes prohibit assaults involving both sexual penetration (oral, anal or genital) and sexual contact (touching or forced touching or the genitals, groin, inner thigh or breast). The maximum criminal penalty for each crime varies according to the circumstances of the incident.
Persons who are under the influence of intoxicants and/or drugs are not exempt from the criminal sexual conduct statutes. Victims of sexual assault are strongly encouraged to report the incident to campus police as soon as possible. Reporting the incident does NOT compel you to prosecute your assailant. However, prompt incident reporting and collection of physical evidence will strengthen your case should you choose to prosecute. Victims who choose to prosecute need not disclose their past sexual activities in court. Victims do not need to prove that they resisted to the utmost or sustained any injury from the assault.
On college and university campuses, the most prevalent form of sexual assault is acquaintance rape. In acquaintance rape, the attacker can be a friend, relative, spouse, lover, neighbor, co-worker, employers, employee, etc. It is not unusual for acquaintance rape to include physical force, with or without a weapon. Date rape is acquaintance rape that occurs in a dating situation. People who have filed for separation or divorce and are living apart are also protected from sexual assault from their former spouse.
Both men and women should know what to do when someone has been sexually assaulted. If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, remember that sexual assault is a crime and victims may be affected psychologically. Reactions such as shock, denial, anger, distress, withdrawal and confusion are normal under these circumstances.

What to Do If You Have Been Sexually Assaulted

Seek Help:
•    Contact the WSUPD for immediate assistance. Officers will transport you to the nearest medical facility and help you contact a friend or family member.
•    Contact a friend, family member or other supportive people. Having someone who will listen to you and help you sort out your feelings may be helpful.
•    Contact the Campus Health Center at 313-577-5041, where trained sexual assault nurse examiners are available 24/7. You may also contact Counseling and Psychological Services at 313-577-3398 to speak with a trained counselor.

Retain Evidence:
•    Do not change clothes, bathe, douche or, if possible, alter anything at the location where the assault occurred.
•    Write down everything you can remember about the assailant and the assault.
•    Even if you do not plan to prosecute at first, it is best to preserve evidence in case you decide to prosecute later or help someone else prosecute their assailant.

Go to a Hospital:
•    Get medical attention immediately. You should be evaluated for injury and sexually transmitted diseases. You are not required to report a rape. However, specially trained medical staff (including sexual assault nurse examiners at the Campus Health Center) can collect physical evidence should you choose to press charges later.
•    Wayne State University Campus Health Center: 313-577-5041
•    WSU sexual assault nurse examiners are available 24/7 and can be contacted via the WSUPD.

Call the Wayne State Police to Report the Assault:
•    It is important to contact the police to report the assault. While you do not have to press charges, the police still need to know about trends, locations and methods of assaults. Your information may be used to help identify the same assailant if they assault someone else.
•    Whether you prosecute or not, WSUPD officers will transport you to a safe place, arrange to get you prompt medical attention, preferably by a sexual assault nurse examiner, provide female officers for interviews if desired and whenever possible, collect and secure potential evidence and provide transportation to any court appearance if you decide to prosecute.
•    Wayne State University Police: 313-577-2222.

Reporting Sexual Assault: The WSUPD Guarantee

Sexual assault is a serious concern to us here at the Wayne State Police Department. We also realize that reporting a sexual assault can be a frightening ordeal, so to ensure that you are treated with sensitivity and understanding, we offer this guarantee: We will do all we can do to make the reporting of a sexual assault as nonthreatening as possible. 

Included in this guarantee are the following points:

1.    If you are the victim of a sexual assault, call us at 313-577-2222. Tell us that you would like to arrange to privately report a sexual assault. You may call us anytime, day or night. Filing a police report does not necessarily mean you must prosecute the assailant.
2.    We will meet with you privately, at any location, at any time you choose, for the purpose of receiving your assault report.
3.    Depending on whether you would feel more comfortable speaking with a female officer, we will do our best to accommodate your request.
4.    Our officers will be supportive.
5.    We will treat you and your case with courtesy, sensitivity, understanding and professionalism.
6.    We will help you in arranging for any hospital treatment or medical assistance.
7.    We will assist you in privately contacting personal counseling, advising, university administrators and other available university resources.
8.    We will investigate your case fully to ensure that your legal rights are upheld. We will do all that we can to help you achieve satisfactory closure. This may involve the arrest and full prosecution of the perpetrator, in which case we you will be updated on the investigation and subsequent court proceedings. An investigator will also provide you with all transportation and accompany you to and from court appearances.

Reducing Your Risk of Becoming a Victim of Sexual Assault

Although it may be impossible to prevent all sexual assaults, there are things you can do to reduce your chances of becoming a victim. Knowing what to expect and how to react are your most important tools for avoiding sexual assault.

•    Look assertive, maintain eye contact, be confident and aware of your surroundings.
•    Trust your intuition. If a situation makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, remove yourself from the situation. Don't be afraid to follow your instincts.
•    Keep keys accessible.
•    Use the buddy system. Do not walk alone. There is safety in numbers.
•    Know the vulnerable targets of the assailant: eyes, nose, throat, stomach, kneecaps and groin.
•    Do not consume alcohol to excess. If you are intoxicated, you may be perceived as an easy target incapable of resisting. At social events or party's keep an eye on your friends so they are not targeted due to their excessive alcohol consumption.
•    Seminars in Street Smarts personal safety awareness and Rape Aggression Defense training are just a couple of programs offered by the Wayne State Police Department. For more information, contact the Crime Prevention Section at 313-577-6064.

Acquaintance Rape

As mentioned earlier, the most prevalent type of sexual assault on university and college campuses is acquaintance rape. Here, the attacker will be a trusted friend, relative, lover, neighbor, co-worker, employer, employee, etc. It is not unusual for this type of assault to include physical force, with or without a weapon. The following tips relate to preventing acquaintance rape:

•    Be honest and assertive in your relationship.
•    Be aware of what is taking place around you.
•    Trust your instincts, stand up for yourself and be willing to make a scene if necessary.
•    Support your friends; don't pressure them when they are unsure about a situation.

A Message to Potential Perpetrators of Sexual Assault

•    It is never acceptable to force someone, physically or otherwise, into doing something they do not want to do.
•    Sexual assault is a crime of violence. It is motivated by a desire to control and dominate, and not by sex. It is illegal.
•    If your date is giving you a double message, clarify what they mean by asking them. Encourage clear and open communication to determine what both want. If your date/partner is unsure about having sex or saying "No", respect their wishes and back off.
•    Do not assume that you know what your date/partner wants. Talk to the person and find out. Your date may be interested in sexual contact or intimacy other than intercourse, or may not be interested in any form or intimacy whatsoever. You must make a decision based on what both of you want.
•    Do not let your desires control your actions. Your desire may be beyond your control, but your actions are not. Forced sex is never justified.
•    Do not misinterpret a refusal to have sex as a personal rejection.
•    No one "deserves" to be sexually assaulted, regardless of any behavior that may be construed as "provocative". The physical boundaries of another person's body must be respected at all times and under all conditions.
•    "No" always means "No". If you do not accept this and you proceed, you will be committing sexual assault.
•    Taking sexual advantage of someone who is mentally or physically incapable of giving consent is sexual assault.
•    In Michigan, any person under the influence of alcohol or drugs, whether consumed voluntarily or not, can not legally give consent to have sexual relations.
•    Even if you are drunk or under the influence of drugs, you are still responsible for your actions.
•    Under the Wayne State University Student Code of Conduct, you are subject to administrative sanctions for violations of the Student Code, including sexual assault. Those possible sanctions include permanent expulsion from Wayne State University. These administrative sanctions are over and above criminal penalties that may be handed down by a court having jurisdiction.

Procedure for On-Campus Disciplinary Action for Sexual Assault

 Students who engage in sexual assault are subject to university disciplinary action pursuant to the Student Code of Conduct, which provides for a full range of sanctions up to and including expulsion. Any person may initiate charges against a student believed to have committed a sexual assault by filing charges and providing information pertinent to the charge, with the judicial officer appointed by the president or his designee.

Student Judicial Services, within the Dean of Students Office, will follow the Wayne State University Student Code of Conduct in the administrative investigation of, and possible issuance of sanctions against, WSU students accused of sexual assault. Please consult the Student Code of Conduct and the Community Living Guide (for residents of university housing) for additional information. Both of these publications are available at the WSU Dean of Students website at Phone the Dean of Students Office at 313-577-1010 for more information.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a pattern of coercive controls that one person exercises over another. Abusers use physical and sexual violence, threats, emotional and psychological abuse, and economic deprivation to control their partners and get their way. People who are living together or merely dating can be in a violent relationship just the same as married persons. Domestic assault refers to the types or manner of abuse that are criminal in nature. Hitting, choking, shoving, slapping, biting, burning and kicking are crimes, as is forcing someone to have sex. Domestic assault is against the law.

Indecent Exposure

Indecent Exposure is a form of sexual exploitation and is an offense more serious than most people realize. Often the perpetrator is someone who does this repeatedly at the same location. While the assailant does not attack the victim physically, he still has the potential to do so.

•    If you are a victim of this behavior, draw attention to the assailant by yelling loudly to alert others around you. Run from the person if you fear an attack.
•    Try to obtain a physical description of the person and provide that information to police.
•    Call the Wayne State University Police immediately at 313-577-2222.

State of Michigan Stalking Laws

Stalking is a "willful course of conduct" involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed or molested that causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed or molested. A "willful course of conduct" refers to a pattern of behavior made up of a series of two or more separate and noncontinuous acts which share the same purpose.

Stalking is a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in the county jail and up to a $1,000 fine.

Aggravated stalking is a felony punishable by up to five years in state prison and up to a $10,000 fine, or both. Aggravated stalking is defined as one or more threats to physically harm an individual, or a member of that individual's household or family that causes the individual hearing the threat to fear for his safety or the safety of another, or violation of a restraining order, or the violation of a pre-trial release or condition of probation of bond for stalking or a repeat offense.

If you believe you are the victim of stalking behavior, you should contact the Wayne State University Police immediately. Investigators will review your situation and explain your rights to you. They will also explain your legal options, assist you in obtaining a Personal Protection Order (PPO),  serve the PPO on the stalker and accompany you to any subsequent court appearances.

Personal Protections Orders (PPO)

A Personal Protection Order (PPO) is an order issued by a court to protect you from harassment, assault, beating, molesting, wounding or stalking by another person. The order can also prohibit someone from entering your premises and from removing minor children unless the removal is part of a court-ordered visitation. If you are a victim of spousal abuse by a former spouse residing or having resided in the same household, a person having a child in common, or having or have had a dating relationship, Michigan law provides extra protection by allowing you to file a personal protection order.

There are two types of PPOs. One is issued only after the other person is notified that you have filed a restraining order and after a court hearing has been held. The other type is issued without notifying the other person and with no court hearing. This second type of PPO is called an Ex Parte Order. An attorney is NOT required to obtain a PPO.

WSU students, staff and faculty, who believe they need a PPO are asked to contact the Wayne State University Police. Officers will document your incidents(s), explain your legal rights and options, and assist you in obtaining the PPO.


Robbery is relatively rare, both on campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods. But whether you are in the city or the suburbs, on the WSU campus, or at your favorite mall, robberies can and do occur. The most important thing that you can do during a robbery is to prevent, if possible, any violence. Always assume the robber is armed, even if you can't see a weapon, and act accordingly. If you are the victim of a robbery, consider these important tips:

•    Get it over with quickly. Chances are if you stall, the robber will get nervous and may be more prone to violence.
•    Nothing you have or own is worth getting hurt for.
•    Do what the robber asks, but do not volunteer to do anything more. Move quickly, but carefully to give the robber exactly what they want.
•    Do not fight or try any impulsive heroics. The risks are high if the robber is armed.
•    Do not go with the robber or allow them to take you anywhere. The odds are heavily against you if you allow them to take you to a secondary crime scene where they have more control over you.
•    Do not chase the robber. Carefully note their physical description and the direction they flee in. If they have a vehicle, note its type, color and license plate if possible.
•    If you have the opportunity to flee, do so immediately. Run in the opposite direction, to any area where there may be other people around.
•    Call the Wayne State University Police immediately.

Auto Crimes

The FBI ranks Michigan as the sixth-highest state in the nation for motor vehicle theft. Many of these auto theft incidents were crimes of opportunity that could have been easily prevented by the owner and use of the following common sense safety tips: 


Larceny (the theft of unattended property) is the most frequently occurring crime at Wayne State University, as it is in almost every other Michigan community. Anything that is valuable to you will be valuable to someone else. It is just a matter of the thief finding the right time and place to steal your property.
Fortunately, larceny is one of the easiest crimes to prevent: Simply do not leave valuables unattended, anywhere, anytime. Remember, it is impossible for a thief to steal something that isn't there.

Fire Safety

Your worst enemy during a fire is smoke. If you are surrounded by smoke, get down on the floor and crawl to safety. Hold your breath and close your eyes if you can. Close doors behind you as you escape. Always use stairs to escape, never use an elevator. Some simple fire safety tips:

•    Learn the location of fire exits and fire alarm pull boxes. Sound the fire alarm is you see smoke or smell a burning odor.
•    Have a prepared escape plan and know your escape route. Count the number of doors between your room and the fire exits door so you can find it even in heavy smoke.
•    Remain calm.
•    Always use exit stairs, never use the elevator.
•    Close doors behind you as you escape. In most cases, this will prevent smoke and fire from entering the room you are exiting.
•    Do not re-enter an evacuated building until it has been declared safe.
•    If you become trapped, seal off cracks around doors and vents with cloths or rugs. Soak them in water if possible.
•    Turn off fans and air conditioners.
•    Signal for help from a window. Call the Wayne State University Police at 313-577-2222. 
•    Never tamper with or disable any smoke detectors in any residence hall, apartment or office area anywhere on campus. Do not allow others to do the same.
•    Residence Hall residents should refer to the University Housing and Residence Life Community Living Guide for a list of items that are prohibited from the Residence Halls as they are potential fire hazards.

False Fire Alarms

Activating a fire alarm, while knowing that no fire exists, is not a "prank", it is a crime under state law. The guilty party can receive up to one year in jail, and/or a fine of up to $1,000.00, in addition to university sanctions. False fire alarms waste time, money and, most importantly, can cost human lives.

Act 120, Michigan Public Acts of 1990